Uno R3

The latest Arduino Controller Sensor Shield V5.0 is producted by ALSRobot. This Sensor Shield expansion board to retains the advantages of version V4.0 on the basis of stack design, PCB Immersion Gold processing technology.newly added many kind of interface,for example,IIC interface、32 channels serv..
Rs. 350.00
Kit Contents:Uno R3 with USB Programming Cable (Clone) Breadboard-Medium SizeUltrasonic Distance Sensor (HCSR-04)PIR Motion Detection SensorDHT 11 Humidity and Temperature Sensor ModuleTemperature Sensor (LM35)Light Intensity Sensor (LDR)Liquid Crystal Display (LCD 16*2 Chars)Red Green Bl..
Rs. 2,050.00
Uno R3 robotic kit contents:
USB Type-B Cable
Complete Robotic Kit(Unassembled)
Breadboad _Medium Size
IR Sensor
Resistor Box
L293D Driver board
Assorted Jumper Wires-40
Rs. 2,840.00
The Uno R3 SMD is a version of the Arduino Uno, but uses an surface mount version of the Atmega328P instead of the through-hole version. This version was made in response to a shortage in supply of the through-hole Atmega328P. The board is based on the ATmega328 (datasheet). It has 14 digital input/..
Rs. 380.00
Dimensions : 79.5 x 64.5 x 21 mm.
Material: A grade acrylic sheet.
For UNO R3 Development Board only.
With screw copper pillar and installation instructions.
To protect your little computer against damages, dust and scratches Clear Top and Bottom.
This case provides easy..
Rs. 110.00
This is a protoboard that stacks on to the UNO - It brings all the data, I/O 5V and Ground pins to the shield and provides a nice surface for soldering your components. Stacking headers are included so you can stack additional shields onto this one. In addition to the protoboard surface, this shield..
Rs. 95.00